They are the stories that Hominidae forefathers of
Homo sapiens sapiens told their kids about around their fires in their caves.
They told of a type of mythical being or legendary creature, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysicalsupernatural or preternatural. A creature Vampires fear in the night and day "The drinker of vampires, the Vampire hunter". ( The FaeKresnik)
Of course the FaeKresnik or Fae-Kresnik or Fae-Krsnik) are not known to Mankind by the name. They are sometimes called Foundlingchangeling The Eshu, The Kiths, , KrsnikCruxim/Crusnik/KrusnikKresnikDEARG-DUE AND LEANAN SIDHE And ABHARTACHFaechangeling/were, BlackAngels Fae. Secretly living in the human world in lesser form has far back has 15,000,000 years ago to now. Example: White Wolves.
The FaeKresnik Are Super Elite warriors race of shape changing Fae that drink vampire blood created by  (Father of all Fae) King (Lord) Orberon(Albanion) and (Mother of all Fae) Queen Mab(Titania) to fight back against Alpha vampires during the vampire/Fae wars in about 125,000,000 years ago.
 FaeKrenisk  forefather were pick from the Elite Shadow Fae guards.
 The protector of  (Father of all Fae) King Orberon(Albanion) and (Mother of all Fae) Queen Mab(Titania).
 They were created mostly from shadow Fae +few other Elements Fae and Alpha Weres for their non magic shape changeling abilities.
 Orberon and Mab use powerful Fae magics enough to wipeout two universes and a blood ritual using both their own blood to bind the choose Fae in a  blood brother ritual to them to creating FaeKresnik. FaeKresnik are also called The Right Hand of Fae
 Orberon then send they into the human realm has Foundling babies back in 15,000,000 B.c. 
This may of lead to the believe a changeling (is a creature found in Western European folklore and folk religion. It is typically described as being the offspring of a fairytrollelf or other legendary creature) that has been secretly left in the place of a human child.  ( Most of these were of course lies by humans.)
The Foundling were found in the woods near small human homes later in cities.

FaeKresnik are not gods but  have be thought by mankind once has them. Explains: AnubisPanThe lord of DanceBacchusBlack AngelsKresnik, Ra Krishna etc. 

FaeKresnik power is considered to be far superior to even the eldest of vampires. Though they have the power to wipe vampires out completely they understand that vampires are not necessarily evil, but destructive and balance must be maintained.

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